
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

how to sell your art online

So you are an artist... what now? There are millions of people who know how to draw, paint, sculpt... How do you set yourself apart from them? Hmmm... Good question. Do you want to make money from your creations but have no idea where to start? Yep, I know the feeling. By the way, thank you for stopping my my site and checking out what I have to offer. Before you get cynical or start thinking negative thoughts like "Oh boy, here we go, another site selling something..." Take a second to read what I have to say. Sometimes it only takes a couple of words to change someone's life. This could change yours in the same way. Do yourself a favor and read on for a bit. You have nothing to lose.
I want to show you how to effectively sell your art online. Yes, you too can be a paid artist. There are some artists making a killing online. You can be one of them! Sell art online? YES! There's nothing like that first online sale of your art work. So many artists sit at home and ask themselves: "Where do I make money selling my art work?" There are artists who already know the answer to that. Smart and savvy artists are selling art online and making good money. You can too! Sure you can go ahead and jump right in with no knowledge of the environment, but that could be your worst mistake. Why not go at it armed with the knowledge of what successful artists are doing? Read on and you too can follow the footsteps of the artists out there who are making it as full-time, paid artists.
Let me ask you a simple question: Do you ever wonder to yourself how people are making money online? You surely hear about it everywhere. Maybe you are a tad intimidated by the idea of actually dealing with customers and getting money from the internet. It could be very unconventional for a lot of people used to traditional means of generating income. Maybe you love the idea of making money online with your art, but you just don't know where to begin. Do you want to work from home? Do want to have a home-based business or does self-employment sound good to you? Want to be your own boss? Ever considered selling your art work online, or more specifically, on eBay.com for a living? Yes, you can sell your art on eBay and make money! If you are a struggling artist, or have been suppressing your inner artist, there's an answer in the form of a powerful little ebook called: 

Sell Your Art Online, selling art online

Most artists never consider selling anything, let alone making a living (or at least some extra cash) by selling their art. Based on the artist population of the world, few have ventured online to sell their art, and even fewer have even considered using the powerful internet giant eBay. You may ask if it is even possible to make a living selling art on eBay. Yes, you really can make a living! Today, there are tens of thousands of merchants and sellers who use eBay as their sole means of making a living. Many of them are pulling down professional earnings that would make any accountant happy.
Can you really make enough to live on? Yes, you definitely can. I'm living proof. I've been selling art on eBay since 1999. I have supported myself, my wife, and 3 kids from selling art on eBay. I have made as much as $5000 in one month just selling my art work. How did I do it? It wasn't easy. It takes a lot of ambition, self-motivation, persistence, and a ton of discipline... not to mention having the know-how to do it.
There were some huge mistakes which I had made along the way; some really bad judgment calls on my part. The results were: lost sales, lost customers, and mostly lost confidence. I don't experience anymore heartaches nor headaches on eBay now that I have learned from my many years of hard knocks. There are many things to consider when selling your art on eBay. I wouldn't recommend just diving in with your eyes closed. There are literally thousands of artists who sell their art on eBay. You can get eaten by the sharks in a week. You must know what you are doing or you'll be in for a rude awakening. I'll lead the way and show you how to elbow yourself into the saturated market and stand out!
eBay is a BIG venue. The traffic through that site is mind-blowing! There is no better place to sell your art work on the internet than through eBay. How do I know this? I've searched for years to find another site that even comes close to the benefits offered on eBay and always end up right back after a fruitless search.
Can anybody sell art on eBay and expect to make a sale? The answer is: ABSOLUTELY! What if your talent is questionable? There is no such thing on eBay. Art from all different talent levels can sell on eBay. You just have to attract the right buyers. How do you do that? I explain that in my ebook. Let me give you a short list of that things which I cover my ebook, "Sell Your Art Online


    In the ebook, you'll find:
  • Themes that sell really well. I give you a big list and even rate them!
  • Big mistakes being made by artists who sell on eBay.
  • Things successful artists are doing.
  • Talent: how even child-like art can sell.
  • Things to avoid when describing your art in your listings.
  • How to effectively expose your art to buyers.
  • Art image optimization techniques for better presentation
  • Pitfalls that many eBay artists get themselves into.
  • and much more...

I wish that there had been an ebook like this when I was screwing up through the years. I would have been successful a lot sooner. How effective is my ebook? Let me tell you this.... When I started selling art on eBay back in 1999, I was selling about 75% of my art. Times were good then for the American economy. When the economy began taking a dive, my sales ratio of listed art to sold art began fluctuating between 25% to about 50%. Man, those were some tough times. I had been really making huge mistakes now that I look back. If only I had "Sell Your Art Online!" With the economy the way it is today (unpredictable), I can attest to you, my sales ratio maintains a solid 99%! This could be you.
Let's get you started on the path to a brand new way of life. Selling art on eBay is perfect for students, homemakers, the handicapped, and even a working person to make extra money. Art has no boundaries, so why present any to yourself? Expand your life and open your eyes to the possibilities of becoming a paid artist! Let's get you started NOW. The world awaits you.



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