
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Instant Article Submitter

 let's get to the heart of it.  We're all looking for new quick and easy ways to get loads of fresh traffic and backlinks to our sites.

But, when it comes down to it, few advertising solutions are pain-free.

Pay-per-click search engines take countless hours of management (if you don't want to bust the bank). And free search engine traffic is often unreliable.  Because one-day you're on top... and the next... you're nowhere to be found!

Plus let's not forget banners, e-zine advertising, and other small ads that take time-consuming testing and tracking to make profitable.

But, what about articles?  There's a very good chance you've already heard about...
 The Power of Articles To Promote Your Website.

They're known as the fastest surefire way to boost your websites' search rankings, gain credibility (and respect) from potential customers, and flood your website with FREE traffic from publications around the web.

Many marketers even consider them their "Go-to" solution for getting quality traffic... especially when they don't want to spend a fortune on pricey advertising.

Simply type up a short article -- and thousands of websites and e-publications rush to publish your in-demand content (along with your resource box inside).  This means each article you write, results in...
A Massive Surge of FREE Advertising.

But, are articles the magic advertising solution?  Nope.  Quite frankly, they come with their problems too.

First, you've got to write them.  And Most people hate writing. To many it feels like hemorrhaging blood!

And after you've managed to squeak out an article, you've then got to find people who want it.  The common way to do this is to submit to the countless article directories.

But, this takes forever.  Not to mention, it requires a never ending patience. Fact is, if you're going to make articles part of your business, then...

        You Need A Shortcut To Writing and Distributing Your Articles!

After all, just consider the key benefits they provide:


      Helps improve your search rankings (because of hundreds of quality backlinks that quickly add-up over time),

      Gets your pages into the search engines quick (because of search engine spiders pouring into your sites),

      Establishes you as the expert (and makes you "famous" in your market),

      And sends you FREE targeted traffic from website owners and e-zine publishers who pick up your articles.

Simply put, the results articles provide means they are a "must have" part of everybody's promotion arsenal.

And this brings us to an exciting development.  You see, we've taken...

    The Proven Technique Of Article Writing And Made It Quicker, Easier, and More Profitable!

Let us introduce  you to Instant Article Submitter --  A new tool from Rod Beckwith and Jeff Alderson.

You may be familiar with some of the other tools under our belts, including Press Equalizer, Traffic Equalizer, Ad Word Analyzer, and many other tools that increase profits and save time for marketers, webmasters, or search engine experts like yourself!

Instant Article Submitter is an easy-to-download PC software you can run right on your computer.

It submits to the major directories (most with high page-rank) so you get maximum exposure without having to labor for days on end.


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