
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mobile Billboard Guide

Now here’s the thing, many of the Streams of Income I am talking about in Cash Flow Magic! are where you do the work once and get paid for it over and over again. In fact I still receive royalties every three months from a simple little book I wrote many years ago. My motto is, do the work once and get paid for it over and over again…it’s elegant, it works and I will show you how to do the same – effortlessly! This is the secret of real wealth!
Magical expansion can make you rich!

When I had my motorcycle shops nearly forty years ago I sold motorcycles. But I had Multiple Streams of Income, even way back then. We made wealth from repairs, spares, tuning, welding, plating, frame building, rentals, tools, accessories, crash-site pick-ups, motorcycle insurance and commission on hire purchase fees. Then I rapidly expanded and ended up with the largest chain of motorcycle shops in South London and had managers run them for me. Only then I realised that I had a massive PASSIVE INCOME that allowed me time off to do all the things I wanted to do. Race motorcycles, read and write books, travel the world and go off larking. All of which I did! Incidentally, when I started that first shop, I only had the first weeks rent in my pocket…
And cash still rolls in … like a magic money magnet!

These days I make money from books, manuals, audio programs...but there’s more, all synergistically linked to the same. There are consultancy fees, speaker fees, workshops, seminars, mentoring and coaching fees and of course every time I raise a few million pounds for a client, I get a commission on that too (and hopefully some shares and options!!)…and there’s more. I am a hired brain, a professional problem solver and individuals and corporations pay me on an ad-hoc basis to solve their problems.
YOU can make money in bad times,
NOTHING can stop you!

YOU will be able to develop fabulous income streams that will continue to pay YOU – month-in-month-out – just like clockwork – no matter what the economic climate, no matter what is going on in the world. Believe me, YOU’LL get paid and make money no matter what! In actual fact some of the things I’ll share with you, will make YOU more money in depressed times – no matter how bad it gets! This is NOT a book or manual it is an extraordinary SYSTEM – Cash Flow Magic! that is a powerful hard-nosed step-by-step blueprint, showing YOU how to create Multiple Streams of Income. Simple as that – no BS!

IMPORTANT: I don’t want you to get the impression that I am some super-brained business guru with a high IQ and University education. I’m not! I left school at the age of fourteen and signed up as an apprentice carpenter. I didn’t read my first book until I was twenty. A book entitled ‘Think & Grow Rich’. That book and other mind power books changed my life and I will share those important secrets of mind-power with you – the ones that really work! It is crucial for you to realise that everything I show you is step-by-step and simple and ordinary people all over the world are using my techniques – and because I am a good teacher and simplify things – gain stupendous results for themselvs!
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Yes, I’ve been at it forty years, made all the mistakes and done post mortems on successes and failures of mine and literally hundreds of others, but what has created the real Cash Flow Magic that makes it a no-brainer today, is the computer, Internet and mobile communications. Today it is a thousand times easier than I had it and I’ll show step-by-step how to capitalize on all this latest wizardology.

EQUALLY IMPORTANT: Never mind the pie-in-the-sky when you die by and by. This SYSTEM - Cash Flow Magic will show you how to get yours down on the ground while you’re still around – with ice cream on top! THEREFORE it takes into account that you MAY NOT have capital, skills, business acumen, knowledge, time or other resources. I'll give you ALL the tools – by the bucket load! The only thing you need to bring to the party is the desire or need to make money/create wealth!

  More insider secrets than have ever been
revealed before…

little_tickHow to generate MAGICAL amounts of FREE publicity for you and your business – which would easily cost over $250,000 using paid advertising.

little_tickHow to easily raise thousands in seed-corn finance from magical places. You will be amazed as to where the start-up money really is – and don’t forget I have raised millions for early stage and start-up companies and shown others how to do exactly the same. Real wizardology!

little_tickHow to go directly to where the magical BIG MONEY is – secrets about marketing to wealthy and affluent people who have huge amounts to spend on products and services. Create wealth yourself!

little_tickHow to sell your business for a much higher price than you’d ever expected. Become the envy of your competitors when your business sells for 5 to 10 times more than theirs.

little_tickHow to access and join ranks with elite entrepreneurs, in the UK and abroad and finally become wealthy.

little_tickFoolproof step-by-step instructions will turn your dreams into CASH reality! Money Magic of your own!


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