
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Portfolio of Cash Siphoning Tactics

I'm flabbergasted.  I can't believe it’s happened, but somehow, someway, they have managed to keep it all hidden...

They've managed to keep the public vainly fighting for table scraps while they fill their coffers to the point of bursting...

Well now they have profited enough and now it's your turn to grab a piece of the pie...

But who are “they” and what exactly am I talking about?

“They" are the internet fat cats. Super affiliates and wonder gurus...  Guys that build fences and walls to you keep you out...

Please excuse the conspiracy undertones, but I have seen it all with my own eyes and used the system to make up to a quarter million dollars in a month - And before you finish reading this, I will prove to you beyond a doubt that it’s all 100% true...

If you Don’t want to start Siphoning the Internet’s
Biggest Money Mountain for your Own Financial Gain,
then Read no Further...

The information I am about to reveal is highly sensitive AND confidential.

To this day, only a very select and Elite group of people has ever been privy to this, and you can be sure they want it to stay that way.  The last thing they want is for you and I to come in and gatecrash the profit party.

Now there is nothing illegal or unethical to what I am about to show you, but it strikes directly at the core of the established order and unlocks the key to pools of wealth they would fight tooth and nail to keep to themselves.

Therefore, we must tread with care as I lay bare everything I saw when I joined their inner circle through the back door...

Exposed! The Most Vile Plot in Internet History:

"While we stare at Google, the Elite is quietly Siphoning
off billions of dollars from the Internet by Playing
a Different Game with a Different set of Rules..."

Ever felt that there just *had* to be more to it...

I mean you try to make money online with all those tricks and methods but it goes nowhere.  Or you see a glimmer of hope here or there, just before it gets wiped out by a google slap, an adwords bill or something else...

Try the latest Google Guide, they tell you.  Stick with it, they say.  Practice makes perfect...

But Practice, is precisely what they don’t do.  Because they are playing a different game than they tell you to play.  Their money is coming from elsewhere and being invested in another place too, where it multiplies faster than rabbits on a desert Island...

In essence, they have created a very appealing diversion to keep you digging far away from where they do: the internet’s biggest cash mountain (and it only gets bigger everyday).


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