
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Launch Jacking

I'd like you to imagine a bucket filled with water...

Now imagine that this bucket starts springing leaks like crazy...

Before long filling that leaking bucket would be a full time job.

That leaking bucket is the key to why some people always make money online, while others struggle...

And understanding why will lead to freedom and profit for a lucky few.

May I take a moment to explain?

My name is Mike Long and for the last decade I've made millions of dollars online. And I've been able to do it from the comfort of my home.

Here's a snapshot of me and my wife Elena at the Harry Potter theme park in Universal studios a few months ago...
Launch Jacking

But things weren't always fun and games. In fact there was once a time that I was struggling to keep my head above water, mired in debt. Until I stumbled across a practically unknown method for stuffing my wallet at lightning speed.

Starting in 2004 I worked behind the scenes, engineering some of the biggest windfalls in online marketing history...

The method was called the "product launch" and at first nobody believed...

After the Million Dollar day people dismissed it as a "one time trick"...

Launch Jacking

Now you can hardly turn around without seeing a new launch, but when I got started there weren't any. I've partnered in over $20 million dollars in boot strap websites, created overnight out of thin air by the power of the product launch.

I've learned some secrets from nearly 10 years of high voltage product launches. The Launch Jacking Coaching Program is all about one of those secrets...
Launch Jacking

Can I tell you the back story?

I got a phone call one night while Elena and I were having a cup of coffee...

It was from Rick Rivera, a 20-year old from Costa Rica who never made a dime online. And Rick dared me to teach him EXACTLY how to do it.

My partner Kelly Felix and I decided to take Rick up on his dare.

(Kelly is the founder of "The Rich Jerk" - though he's not a jerk, he's really cool.)

We told Rick a secret... Days later Rick sent me the picture I just shared...

Here's the scoop:

Back in 2006 I launched a $7-figure site called "MindofMystery.com".
Launch Jacking

One of the top affiliates was Michael Smith, but I discovered he had no list, no jvs, no product, no paid traffic, no experience, no techie skills, and very little time.

But Michael stumbled upon an ingenious technique for raking in profit... all by leveraging MY hard work! All in just 30-minutes using a 100% free article site...

Here's the skinny:
Launch Jacking

A few months later, I launched "Millionaire Licensing Club". A number of my top affiliates for the launch were taking advantage of the same "hack."

Remember that leaking bucket that I mentioned earlier?

Normally the "big problem" with making money on Google is that desirable search terms like "Wedding Favors" or "Stock Trading" are very competitive...

And less competitive terms like "underwater basket weaving" aren't profitable.

It turns out that a successful product launch opens an earnings loophole...

That's because folks get caught up in the hysteria of a product launch and they are starved for as many details as possible. But there is a catch...

Because a product launch is about a brand new product... (whether its for the online marketing market, relationship advice, health, stock trading, FOREX or another market) ...There's very little information about it on Google!

So that means when folks get all riled up about a new product launch, and they are hungry for more delicious tidbits about it, they are usually fresh out of luck!

That's where the LaunchJacking comes in! It's plugging leaky buckets for profit...
Launch Jacking

Let's get back to Rick Rivera. Before I knew it, Rick was running wild, using Launch Jacking to pile up impressive earnings using 100% free traffic!...

And to humiliate some big named competition. Take Jeff Johnson's $7-figure Traffic Voodoo launch. With no list, no product, no jvs, no paid traffic, no techie skills and very little time, Rick demolished some of the biggest named gurus.

(All of the gurus in the "leaderboard" above had these advantages. Rick confided he was shocked at the big names he was passing up in the affiliate competition



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