
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Get More Buyers

let's get right to the point. You're here because you want to learn how to build an email list that makes you money, lots of money, and you're not sure how to do it. Or you know the basics but are struggling after hearing all the claims as to how easy it was. If that sounds like you, then buckle your seat belt... You may have just stumbled across the most important letter you ever read.

Sound crazy? To this day I still remember reading a letter that changed my life. Now I live the life that most only dream of and the word "Economy" does not matter to me, no matter what word you put in front of it... GOOD or BAD.

Now, I will tell you who I am in just a minute...

But first let me tell you WHO I WAS.

You see, just a few years ago I was a skeptical person. Perhaps just like you. (I was burned more times than I can imagine by over blown promises and hyped up garbage.)

I reluctantly decided to give online marketing a try.

I had heard the saying, "The money is in the list", and I was ready to start building one of my own. I imagined myself dashing off a quick email, and then coming back from the golf course a few hours later to discover that thousands of dollars in sales have come in to my account. But it NEVER happened, well not until I learned the secret... the one I stumbled upon all by myself that no one is teaching. (Not even the "Gurus.")

Before I figured out my secret formula, I had heard stories of people who, just by sending out an email or two, can generate five and six figure paydays.

And since I developed the easiest way to build a profit pulling list, I can tell you with certainty... It's not a fantasy, and it's well within your reach. I can show you how to do it, but first I have to make one thing clear, and expose the biggest list building lie ever told.

The Lie: "The Money Is In The List"

The Truth: Most Of What You've Been Told About List Building Is WRONG!

Think about it... if the money was in the list, then every person who owned an email list of opt-in subscribers would be making big bucks, but that's simply not the case. In fact, I know people who have lists much bigger than mine who never come close to my results during an affiliate promotion.

Why is that? The answer is simple. The money is in your list of buyers, not freebie-seeking subscribers. Doesn't that just make sense? The only people on your list that are worth something to you financially are the ones who spend money on the products and services you recommend.

How do you find those people? How do you build a list full of eager buyers who will eagerly purchase the products that you recommend to them? That's what you're about to discover.

Here's What This Is All About...

My name is Michael Rasmussen, and I've just finished putting together a video home study course called Get More Buyers. This breakthrough course will walk you through my top ten strategies for adding swarms of red hot buyers onto your list.

These are people who will actually whip out their credit card and buy what you recommend to them. It doesn't matter if you're an affiliate marketer promoting other peoples' products, or if you're a guru in some obscure niche market that no one has ever heard of... these methods will build you a hyper profitable list in record time!

What Can You Do With A List Of Buyers?


      Imagine being able to send out an email, and make enough money to buy an expensive toy like a car or a boat.

      Imagine if you suddenly had to deal with a financial emergency. You send out a simple email promotion, and make more than enough money to cover the bills. In fact, you have plenty of cash left over for a little fun afterwards.

      Imagine the confidence and pride you'll feel... knowing that you could pay for a vacation for your entire family by sending out a single email.

      Got presents to buy for the holidays? One email could easily finance your entire holiday season.

This is all possible when you have a list of buyers, and that's exactly what I'm going to teach you how to create. And the best part? Most of those strategies won't cost you any money at all.

I've figured out ways to add buyers to your list without spending a dime in advertising. Heck, you don't even have to have your own product, and you'll still be able to get new buyers on your list with ease (this is good news if you're just getting started, and don't yet have a product to sell).

I'm going to show you how in just a minute, but first let me answer the question that's sitting on your mind right now.


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