
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cashing In On Christmas

It didn’t quite seem possible... or at least probable. $3,000... $5,000... even $10,000... sure, no problem. That’s easy enough. Newbie service business owners are doing those kinds of numbers every month. But $22,000? Surely it must be a mistake.

So I asked Tim about his rapid profits.

Tim told me he had distributed 100 flyers around his neighborhood, immediately gave 24 estimates, and landed 16 as clients... with a few more calls trickling in later. Laughing he said:

“I couldn’t have handled the extra jobs if I wanted to...
4 a week was about all I could handle by myself, not to mention 22k is pretty good money.”

I agree, that is a very impressive first month's income. And the fact that Tim is an ex-teacher who is new to the Christmas lighting industry is even more impressive. That’s not even the best part of this story.

Believe it or not, Tim now has crews that do all the work for him while he is free to relax or find new clients.

The fact is: Over the last 8 years I’ve started, operated and sold a number of different businesses in wide variety of industries --Window Cleaning, Christmas Light Installation, Landscaping, Niche Eateries, Consulting, and a Retail Store...

And in that time I’ve not found a quicker or easier way for someone with a limited budget and basic skills to start generating cash almost immediately and build a 6 figure business in record time.

Oh and did I mention the high repeat business?

Tim finished his thought:

“...and my retention rate is upwards of 80%. Almost all my customers scheduled again the next year.”

Most businesses have a repeat customer rate of around 30%.
You can start your Christmas light installation business on a shoe string budget -- as little as $2500 and you’re in business (even less if you already own your own equipment).

The smallest installation jobs you’ll ever do, will net you around $300 -- Jobs like this will typically take you an hour or two to complete.

While not bad, your typical profit margins will be much higher.

In fact, the average price for a standard residential Christmas light installation is roughly $1400 of which a large chunk of that is profit.
Christmas light installation is a high demand, luxury service and you therefore can demand top dollar for your services and you will find many of your clients are willing to spend $3000... $6000... or even $10000 and many large commercial clients will spend upwards of $30,000 each year on their lighting displays.

As you can imagine, checks of $1000... $3000 and $6000 start to add up fast... Much faster than with most other businesses



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