
Monday, May 23, 2011

Step-By-Step Search Engine Ranking Method

 What's my business?  I’m a stock trader and I used to work for one of the largest brokers in the country and then later trained other wannabe traders. In short, I have a knack for building profitable stock market systems and teaching others how to do the same.

Over the years I’ve built an extremely successful business selling ‘how to’ information products in one of the most viciously competitive niches online.

Type 'trading system' into Google – you’ll see what I mean. At last count, 46,500,000 pages battle it out for that one keyword and, according to Google, if you use their adwords program they'll sting you $5.04 per click!


I can’t help it, I’m a really big thinker, and when I figure something out, I want to see just how big I can go. Sure, I dominated the 'stock market' niche but I wondered if I could replicate this success in other niches.

To take it to the next level, I recorded a series of training videos for my outsourcers – detailing the exact method I used to rank my trading website. I wanted to see if I could completely 'own' any niche I chose.

After 14 months of testing on 583 different domains, guess what?!

My 'SEO Method' works gangbusters in any niche, every time, guaranteed. It even worked with Yahoo and Bing!

Here’s some of the completely bizarre niches we tried…



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