
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Explosive New Training Method Blasts Away Fat

This isn’t another recycled training system filled with the same old same old you’ve seen a million times before.

This isn’t more clichéd advice telling you to work out longer and harder, preaching another fad diet or telling you to drag yourself out of bed every single day at 6AM so you can spend long, grueling hours trapped at the gym running mile after endless mile on the treadmill and lifting rep after rep after rep.

This isn’t a dangerous, unhealthy, EXTREME way to lose a little bit of weight fast while causing serious long term damage to your body... only to see the weight come back anyway.

What this is is a powerful and healthy way to absolutely blast away your ugly fat, pile on impressive chiseled muscle and reveal the kind of eye popping 6 Pack Abs you never even imagined you could have - all while working out just a few times a week for never more than twenty minutes (and sometimes as little as eight) at a time... with all the information you need delivered right to you when you need it in a format that makes it effortless for you to absolutely always have your workout plan with you where you need it.

Here’s what this is all about:

My name is Jesse Vince-Cruz. The fact that you’re here reading this page means that you’re one of the countless guys out there who, no matter what you do, just can’t seem to lose the fat and get into the shape you really want.

I’ve been where you are right now and...
I Know How Frustrating and Embarrassing
It is To Be Overweight and Out of Shape

Not long ago my cousin Arnel asked me to be the best man at his wedding. I was glad he asked but I was also a bit nervous.

You see Arnel is a big deal personal trainer and he always keeps himself in incredible shape... and I didn’t. I spent all day at work sitting on my butt, hunched over a computer, often eating junk food, and it had taken a toll on my waistline.

The last thing I wanted was to be standing next to him, and having endless pictures taken, where we looked like a before and after photo and...
Me before my weight loss
If you can't tell, I'm the FAT one in the photos

So I told Arnel I would only do it if he would help me get into shape. There was plenty of time so he gave me a 16 week program and I started right away.

But then I got a little busy and missed a few days.

Then skipped a few more.

I tried to tell myself that I was looking better but I knew that I was working out less and less. But I figured there was still plenty of time before the wedding.

Then all of sudden it was time for the Bachelor party just three weeks before the wedding. It started early with some beach volleyball and I was too embarrassed to take off my shirt. Here I was surrounded Arnel and some of his fitness buddies and who all looked like Baywatch lifeguards and I felt like a beached whale.
It Got Worse Later That Night At The Club.

We were all rocking out at Borgata in Atlantic City, and I was feeling much better about myself now that I was all dressed up.

Until all the bachelorette parties started coming over to us. These were amazingly gorgeous women who had all sorts of bachelorette party game checklists they needed to complete. So there was Arnel getting kisses, lap dances (I’m not supposed to mention that so please don’t tell his wife!) and all sorts of crazy attention from gorgeous girl after gorgeous girl... while I just sat there nursing my drink.
I Kept Thinking What About Me?

I woke up the next morning feeling terrible and not just because of the partying the night before. I called Arnel and begged him to help me. I had three weeks until the wedding and I needed to get rid of the fat and make sure I looked good.

I promised to work out for hours a day every single day of the week if that’s what it was going to take. I told him I would live on the treadmill, do crunches until my abs screamed and do as many reps of the highest weight I could physically manage.


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