
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Boost your health and happiness in your relationship

You're there with a women... eyes are locked on each other.. the body language says it all...

Maybe you've just met or your together already... either way the temperature is right the mood is right...

You can tell from the way she's looking at you she wants you...

You get started to give her what she wants... She wants you...

But as soon as your in... Your getting hot... that feeling is rushing... your muscles start to tense, your can feel your heart beat & before you can even try to hold it in your done.

Your there thinking... trying to work out what to say... she's there wondering what's wrong...

Then she says something reassuring like "it's ok" but you both know it really isn't... You want to give her the time of her life in bed & she wants to have the time of her life in bed...

In your mind your wondering what she really thinks of you... is she more upset or amused by you or both?

Your hoping she wont mention anything but you know it's a problem and it's very clearly affecting both of you...

It's distressing, embarrassing not to mention painful... every time it makes you feel less like a man...

If its been going on for some time then it's getting worse... having to shamefully, quietly not talk about it...

Not knowing what she's thinking... hoping it's not about other men that can give her what she wants and please her needs...

If you were a woman & your man couldn't last longer then a few minutes, couldn't please you the way you needed it or even give you normal sex... Would your mind think about other men?

I know how insecure I was about her because knowing she was thinking about other men is where is started... I knew it was gonna happen one day but not as soon as it did...

She cheated... the funny guy from work...her reason? All my fault.

Premature Ejaculation isn't just a problem it's a huge problem...it's not just about sex it's about happiness, stress relief, closeness & intimacy...

Your feelings, your thoughts, your moods & ultimately success are all based on the happiness you experience in life.

If you can't give it... and she can't have it then you know where it's heading.

If Things Aren't Going Right Then
They're Getting Worse...

You need to understand this very carefully...

You're Not Alone...

Medical reports show that Premature Ejaculation is a problem for approximately 30% of men worldwide.

Worst is you feel something is wrong with you or that you have some medical problem ...chances are you don't.

Premature Ejaculation believe it or not has very little to do with physical abnormalities or dysfunctions...

In fact for many years... I thought I had a medical problem but I didn't... unfortunately it took me over 5 years and a divorce to figure that one out.

Even though it isn't a medical problem for most the impact of it is worse then a medical problem and can cost your ultimate happiness if not resolved...

After years of living with the problem, thankfully enough I found the one perfect method that changed me instantly from a 2 minute man into a regular guy with an edge...

This Is What Happened To Me...

For years I was suffering from a poor stamina but over time it got worse and worse...

I was at a point where I could only last at best for a minute in bed... it was bad...

In fact it was terrible ...I couldn't please my own wife - lasting longer than 1 minute was a miracle.

Every time it happened I felt worse & worse... I hated the feeling of seeing that look of disappointment on her face... we started to slowly drift apart... all because of my problem.

I tried everything... I went from Doctors to Counselors... I bought all the creams, pills and sprays that I could find... I went through hell - I even asked about surgery to fix the problem.


But nothing worked.

My life was on a slippery slope... we ended up getting a divorce after she admitted cheating on me because of my problem. I was depressed & it wasn't getting any better.

It was at this stage I promised myself I wouldn't let this bedroom problem ruin & carry on affecting the rest of my life... I had enough.

I needed to find a way to fix the problem... I wasn't going to stop until I found a way to end this shaming problem...

It was then after months of searching & researching I discovered a method so simple but so effective it was amazing...

I promise you I had tried everything but this worked like a charm... no other "cure" or "solution" came close to this method that changed me over night...

I had found something priceless... something I wish I had only found sooner.

A solution that really works & can fix your premature ejaculation problem within days...

I'll explain a few things that will open your eyes & shock you...be ready to end your problem forever...

Here Are The Reasons Why You Have Premature Ejaculation...

After countless hours of researching I needed to understand the causes of the problem...

Before fixing premature ejaculation you need to see where you are below...

1 - Biological: Your body can react in different ways and sometimes if you have an infection or other similar problems this can cause premature ejaculation. - This counts for less then 5% of men effected.

2 - Physical Dysfunction: Although it's responsible for causing more cases then the biological reasons your body is more likely to be out of tune rather than dysfunction. - This counts for around 15% of men effected. (explained further later on)

3 - Psychological: The biggest problem of all, the premature ejaculation circle, the mental pressures we face in day to day life has the biggest impact. Ever feel like this just isn't getting better? Combine this with some out of tune muscles and you have disaster. - This counts for over 50% of men effected.

4 - Sexual Experience: In most cases it's the lack of or better yet simply knowing why you ejaculate and how to control the sensitivity. Most men never think of sex as an action that you control, once you understand "how to" you can free yourself from the "psychological trap". Ever done any weight training? or "Resistance Training" If it's too intense for you & you feel too weak to control it, then you have your answer. - This counts for over 30% of men effected.

Most men suffering from premature ejaculation is being caused by one or two of the above reasons...

If you can see one of reasons above for your premature ejaculation problem?

Then you don't need to worry...

Chances are that you will be in either the psychological trap or the sexual experience corner... If that's the case... be ready to end premature ejaculation...

You're about to discover something so simple but so effective at ending your problem that you'll be able to see improvements almost instantly..



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