
Monday, May 23, 2011

SEO Software Se Sniper

It goes without saying that the search engine marketing game or search engine optimization is a cut throat business.

There are literally millions of people out there now that are optimizing their websites for the search engines, trying every new trick in the book.

That means that it's getting harder and harder to get top search engine rankings for your website.

In many cases, people are hiring professional search engine optimization companies for thousands of dollars a month and still not getting good results.

That would be a pretty hard thing to deal with right? And pretty expensive.

The fact is, there are so many people that know the old ways of optimizing websites that it's pretty much common knowledge now.

People that didn't know how to check their e-mail a few years ago are now optimizing their web pages for search engines due to the availability of tons of tools and information.

So what are you to do in order to improve search engine rankings for massive traffic?


"Use This Brand New, Kick Ass SEO Software to knock off your competitors one-by-one until you reach Numero Uno , #1!"

As you may know, people are always trying to do different things, onsite and offsite to "trick" the search engines into giving them top rankings.

You've probably read reports, articles or courses that tell you all kinds of tricks that will improve your rankings.


These "tricks" usually do nothing more than either get your banned or, at best, work for a very short period of time.

Actually I've tried all the tricks, and alot of tricks that I came up with on my own. Some failed, some worked, and some absolutely kicked ass and landed me on page #1, and in most cases, #1.

What's this trick I figured out? Well I won't divulge too much information, and have imitators popping up everywhere. But I had a piece of seo software developed that did it all for me, all in one tidy app, all on autopilot. And now I'm selling a few copies to a few lucky people!

I have had great success in sniping off my competitors and landing my web sites at the top of the search engines of my choice, for any keywords I wanted.

How did I do this? By using SE Sniper, of course. Now I never put all my eggs in one basket, so of course I used Backlink Nuke to build some backlinks on autopilot... I mean what could it hurt? And with both these tools, I'm practically unstoppable in the SERPS.

So... How was SEsniper born?

Well what I did is basically worked backwards to determine why, once a site gets listed, what is the "thing" that causes it to shoot to the top positions.

I had actually seen this happen many times, but did not fully realize what was happening... I mean, I would take a new site, do some seo, and it would hit page 3 or 4, and sometimes it got stuck at that position for days, and sometimes weeks. I would check every day to see if there's been any changes. But nothing. Then all of a sudden I would be bumped up to page 1 or 2. WHAT?? So I Reverse Studied why I was getting higher listings than sites with more backlinks, and higher pagerank!

After really breaking it down, I found the Exact reason why it happened, and I pin-pointed exactly how to recreate it, and do it over and over and over, to all of my sites.



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