
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Make $100 Monthly Recurring Comms For Life

    That’s a pretty bold claim I just hit you with – I know.

    But stick with me for a few minutes… and you’ll discover the fail-proof formula my partner James and I have created for you and your online business.

    First thing’s first… I need you to be totally honest with me…

    You’re struggling to make money online, right?

    Even worse… it feels like everyone else but you is making money hand over fist.  They’re doing it within the highly lucrative health and fitness niche…

    … some of ‘em are killing it with their blogs, some have best-selling eBooks on ClickBank, and others are super affiliates with HUGE email lists of eager buyers.

    I know what you’re going through.  It took me nearly 6 months before I made my first dime online… and well over a year before I was earning what I’d call real money.

    Every day was a struggle – a constant battle to keep pushing forward…

    I considered throwing in the towel on more than one occasion.

    It’s embarrassing to admit, but I was starting to get jealous and bitter.

    I even concocted a conspiracy theory – I thought the top guys had made a pact to help each other dominate the fitness niche and not let anyone else into their “circle.”


    Eventually, I realized this weak-minded way of thinking was the single greatest thing holding me back.

    After some major attitude adjustment, the fog cleared and I realized I had a LOT to learn before I even deserved to make money.

    So I started investing in my marketing education… blogging, traffic generation, list building, copywriting, affiliate marketing – you name it, I probably bought it.

    In fact, I was starting to run up a pretty nice credit card tab, especially after buying into some big ticket items like personal coaching and live seminars.

    Funny thing was, I conveniently failed to mention these investments to my friends and family… ‘cuz I knew they wouldn’t understand.

    And believe me, they didn’t…

    Everyone thought my “pie in the sky” dream of becoming an online marketer was downright ridiculous. 

    Super annoying…

    Deep down though, I knew it wasn’t their fault.  After all, I was already making 6-figures as a work from home pharmacist.

    I mean… to most people, I already had the dream job.

    But what can I say… there’s no way in hell I was gonna work 40 hour weeks, doing a monotonous job I couldn’t stand, for the next 35 years.

    No sir, I wasn’t about to settle.  And neither should you…

    Anyways, back to what I was saying before… with a better outlook, I finally stopped playing victim and started investing in my online marketing education.

    With each course or training program, I picked up new skills and strategies.  Little by little, I started making progress.

    Sure it was slow going, but hey… at least I was gaining some momentum.

    I remained stubborn – kept swiping the ole credit card, buying more courses and adding more tools to my online marketing arsenal.

    Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I was getting pretty damn good at blogging and free traffic generation.

    So good, in fact, I jumped from a few sporadic affiliate sales here and there… to paydays of over $1,000 in the span of a few months


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