
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Instant Website Templates

It's not just a passing fad; rather it has become a backbone of our modern society through which we communicate, conduct business, and entertain ourselves.

Likewise, the Internet's "property" is becoming known as one of the hottest investment opportunities available.

But what IS virtual real estate?

I'm not talking about houses, hotels, or even office buildings...

I'm talking about websites.

Virtual real estate (VRE) consists of websites that occupy the World Wide Web, and just like real estate in the offline world, VRE can yield income for its owners.

In the offline world, there is a wide variety of property types, sizes, and qualities...

An upscale apartment complex on the nice side of town is a better property than the dirty and run-down slums of the inner city. A beautiful lakefront estate is a better long term investment than a mobile home in a trailer park.

The same holds true in the world of VRE. Some websites are far more lucrative than others. Some bring their owners a healthy flow of long-term passive income, while others never become profitable.

What makes the difference between profitable websites and unprofitable websites?

While there are many factors that can affect a website's profitability, I've found that in general there are two key ingredients that must be combined to create a successful site...

Content + Monetization = Profitable Site

Whether they realize it or not, most webmasters who are struggling with unprofitable sites are lacking in one of the above areas.

You might be thinking... what about traffic, and SEO, and all that stuff?

Sure that's important too, but it's not the foundation of your business. There are always plenty of ways to get traffic (and I'm going to show you how), but if you haven't built your website on a solid foundation then it will never be as profitable as it could have been.

If your website has poor content and bad design, you can send traffic to it, but it won't take long for your visitors to realize you aren't providing any real value. Chances are, they'll NEVER return.

Similarly, if your website is not properly monetized, you can throw any amount of traffic at it, but you'll always be leaving money on the table.

One problem is that many of us have been pre-conditioned to build bad websites.

Perhaps you've bought into gimmicks, tactics, and page builders that promise the moon. One "guru" says one thing, while another tells an entirely different story.


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