
Monday, May 23, 2011

Rapid Rewriter Article Spinning Software

You don't get enough traffic...simple as that. I know this because it is what held me back from being successful. You see not that long ago I was your typical newbie marketer working long hours, slaving away, trying desperately to get a few visitors to my site.

It seemed like no matter how hard I tried nothing worked. I would check my sales stats every morning only to be dissapointed to see a big fat ZERO commissions everytime...know the feeling? It sucks doesn't it...I mean I bought all these darn products that promised to teach me how to make it big online, and they did nothing but let me down, and I was fed up.

I for one got sick of losing, and tired of working so long and hard on my websites and seeing no results.

However I was determined to crack it, because the internet lifestyle was something I wanted so badly. I'm talking about best-article-spinnerworking when and where you feel like it, not having to answer to a smuck of a boss who underpays you and works you to the ground...

...being able to take a vacation whenever you want, and make a minimum of $10,000 a month, are all things I was determined to get. But I don't need to harp on about this, because I am sure you've heard it all before and of course you would like the same, right?

So instead of offering you inflated promises of becoming an internet millionaire overnight, that so many websites do (which I despise), what I am going to do in this letter, is tell you about a system I have developed and special tool that enables it to happen so effortlessly, which has allowed me to create an extremely profitable online business...which you can easily replicate.

What I am about to share with you has taken me just under 2 years to master. I'm talking about two years of painful trial and error, wasting money, testing, refining, heartache, tears....and finally triumph, however I'm going to give you a chance to skip out all that hard stuff and blantantly copy how I do it.

When I Realized This It All Changed...

Once I started to understand how this whole internet marketing thing worked, I soon noticed that in order to drive free traffic to my sites, there was a lot of tasks that needed to be done every day. A large part, of the little time I had, was sucked up writing articles. Either for my own sites, or to submit to article directories and other places to get backlinks and traffic, which are all neccesary if you want FREE traffic (the kind I love)
However the problem I realized, was that writing the amount of articles needed took way too much time and wasn't a smart way to run a successful business. Sure if you want to play around online and make the odd sale here and there it's ok to waste time I guess, but if you want a solid business making a minimum of $10,000 a month, then it just won't work.


If you try and write all these articles by hand, you'll either burn out trying and be really frustrated, or simply never be able to produce the amount of unique content that is needed to compete....I'm sure you know what I mean, it's a total drag!

You can of course hire a writer to do the hard work for you, but then you're going to pay for every single article, which adds up fast! Especailly considering you need literally 100's of completely unique articles to get decent amounts of free traffic, and even that takes too long, because you still have to wait for the writer.

These are things that I wasn't interested in, as my goal was to work less and earn more. However I've created another way....a better system, which saves money and time, is stress free, and is working wonders for my business...

You see I knew that doing everything by hand was taking me way to long and was a HUGE stumbling block to my success. I for one, hated writing article after article, day in day out. I just couldn't keep up with the amount of fresh content I needed, it was an endless cycle of writing.

I soon realized that in order to reach my goal, I would need to be writing articles all day for months if not years...and I wasn't keen on that idea, I wanted a faster way.

So I spent the next 9 months working closely with a development team, and invested $1000's, but it was all worth it, because I created a high intelligence software tool that has solved my article writing problems forever, and as a result my traffic boomed and the sales came with it.

FACT: If you really want to get to the top of Google, Yahoo and Bing and flood your sites with free traffic so you can sit back and watch the money roll in on auto-pilot, you need unique content, and plenty of it.

Why? Because search engines LOVE fresh, unique content!best-article-spinner

Creating content with backlinks in it, that point to your sites, in the form of articles, blog posts, Web 2.0 content and Press Releases are all crucial in order to push your websites up the search engine rankings where they get waves of free traffic.

That's not all though, you can unleash an explosion of direct traffic from all these sites where your articles are posted also! Article directories alone can drive hoards of traffic to your sites.

The more content you create the more traffic you can generate and the whole process can really snowball and profits can skyrocket.



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