
Monday, May 23, 2011

Private Corporate SEO Software Goes Public!

Higher Google Rankings = More Traffic = More $$$$$$$

Well... Keywords are the secret! Keywords are the heart and soul of promoting your site. They are the absolute foundation of your search engine optimization strategies! Everything you do to promote your site, is based on the keywords you choose to promote. So choose wisely!

    * AdWords Campaign? You'll need to know what keywords are worth paying for.
    * Site Content? You'll need to know what keywords to sprinkle throughout.
    * Back Link Text? Again with the keywords.

Let's keep things simple. Search engines are completely dedicated to gathering relevant, high quality content based on the visitor's search query (or keywords). If a search engine fails to do this well, they stop getting visitors. You need to make the search engines love your site for the right keywords. If your site is on topic and looks like an authoritative source, it will rank well in the search results.

There are essentially two determinants of whether or not your site is worthy enough to be a search result for their visitor: Site Content and External Links. Nothing else really matters.

Site Content

Your site's content is essentially all of the textual information you have on your site. You want to make sure your content contains and is related to the keywords you are trying to target. For instance, do you have articles, blogs, or product descriptions that contain or have relevent, targeted, high traffic keywords in them? If your site doesn't accomplish this, the search engines aren't going to give you a high ranking for those keywords because it will assume that users searching on those keywords would be disappointed with the content they find on your site.

External Back-Links


Links from other websites to your site are like a vote of popularity. If other websites are linking to you, then you must have worthwhile content that people would be interested in. The keywords in the links themselves as well as in the surrounding content on the external page help to determine what your site is popular for.

So, essentially, if your content has the right keywords, and your incoming links are for the right keywords, it will increase your site's search engine ranking for those keywords. Ranking well means increasing your website's traffic. Getting more traffic means making more money.

But, you're probably saying to yourself...

That's Flippin' Wonderful, but What are the Right Keywords?

That's what SEO Keyword Builder does for you. It will show you exactly what you need to know to be successful at keyword marketing for your website in order to increase search engine rankings.

Our keyword research tool can do in seconds what would take you literally days of hard labor to accomplish. You get answers fast by having our SEO Software sift through thousands and thousands of keywords to determine a special ranking for each keyword based on keyword competition, search volume, and various other factors. A couple of minutes with SEO Keyword Builder will tell you EXACTLY what keywords are worth promoting and how to organize them.

    * THESE are the keywords to put in your back links.
    * THESE are the keywords to write articles about.
    * THESE are the keywords to sprinkle throughout your site's content.
    * THESE are the keywords that will succeed were others would fail.



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