
Monday, May 23, 2011

New Generation of SEO



If your site is not in the top 10, 20 or even 100 spots for your target keywords in the search engines then your website is not recognized as being 100% relevant.

In the search engines' plight to combat spam and useless content, they have adopted new technology that is sending once, home run websites, plummeting down a bottomless pit to be buried in a pile of unrecognized fodder.

Now, more than ever, the search engines are using a technology called Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to determine a website's relevance.

LSI is a complex algorithm that not only checks keywords on your page but also checks for other words that commonly appear within content related to those keywords.

LSI is an algorithm that is so important that Google acquired a company by the name of Applied Semantics, a proven innovator in semantic text processing, in early 2003.
If you used to enjoy top 10 placement in the search engine results pages (SERPs) and suddenly saw an unexplainable drop in your rankings then you know approximately when this algorithm began its crawl.

If you have never enjoyed top 10 rankings or are struggling to regain your rankings then you need to understand the following:

        You will not gain or maintain high rankings unless the search engines understand the theme of your website as determined by the LSI algorithm and other important on and off page factors.

It is a proven fact that most search engine users do not go beyond the top 20 results on a search query. It is also a fact that 99% of the websites on the Internet are unaware of the impact that LSI is playing. They are either unaware because the don't know about it, deny it, or are too lazy to do anything about it.


Dear fellow webmaster & SEO Professional,

    My name is Charles Heflin and I have been doing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) since 1993. I have recently come to the forefront engaged on a mission. Anybody that knows me, knows that I don't pitch hype and I'm not about to start here. I am on a mission to debunk the epidemic hype that is so prevalent on the Internet.

This article is long but sweet. It is filled only with (verifiable) facts that directly impact your business. I want to bring to your attention some important facts that will have an undeniable impact on your website's performance.

It is a proven fact that designing a website with LSI in mind, constructing web page content with semantics in mind and adhering to a strict internal linking structure will outrank 99% of the indexed websites on the Internet.


There are several reasons:

      It forces the search engines to understand the theme of each page of your website giving individual pages higher relevance.

      Individual pages support the overall theme of the site giving the site higher relevance.

      Internal linking structures are designed in a way that strengthens the theme of your site and the individual pages within it.

      It forces link integrity that will not "bleed" the theme of the website or the pages within it.

      Using semantics when designing the content of individual pages of your site coupled with item 1 - 4 creates ultra-relevance.

All of this leads to higher rankings in the search engines. It leads to higher rankings because it forces the webmaster to adhere to laws that have been preached by the search engines since the beginning.



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