
Monday, May 23, 2011

massive Conversions

If you've ever dreamed of tactics so devastatingly effective you'd rather leave a 6 figure commission check on the table than reveal them to anybody, then this may be the most important letter you ever read.

You are about to discover the story behind my "Zero Friction Method"...

How it slammed 6 figures into a new affiliate account in less than 30 days...

How it almost got me banned from that network.

And how the owner of that network's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw what I was really up to...

Best of all, this is completely new and it works with:

      No Google Ads, no experience, no selling. Just devastatingly fast and effective copy paste CPA Insider methods...



Here's how it all went down:

A few short months ago I stumbled onto a Google-free method that created instant money streams so fast and so insanely powerful...

...that I could plug into any CPA network I wanted and bank tens of thousands per month minimum - and as much as $100,000 per month on average!

The money flood caused by this method filled one of my accounts so fast that the owner was convinced I was doing something illegal and...

"He FROZE My Account!"

With over $100,000 still locked inside.

He had never seen anyone create a six-figure cash flow in less time than it takes most affiliates to make their first dollar. And he refused to release my money unless I showed him how I was doing it.

You wanna know the sick part?

“I Told Him to Kiss My #$$”

To tell you the truth, I wasn't even that worked up over it.

“Screw it. Let him keep the $100K.”

This system is so solid, I knew I could plug into another network and easily replace the money in no time flat.

But then I got on the phone with the guy who owns the network and we talked it out. He's actually a pretty cool dude and I felt like I could trust him. So I agreed to take him behind the curtain and reveal my tricks.

Sam was so awestruck by my methods, he not only restored my account and released the money -- he practically begged me to show him more!

Look, I understand if this sounds outrageous. Even my super-affiliate friends refused to believe it until I showed them the accounts.


That's why I'm doing the same for you right here on this page. In one minute, you'll see video shot live of me logging into an even bigger CPA account to show $636,217.33 in just over 6 months!

This video is real time. No funky edits... No camtasia tricks to insult your intelligence. I even had the video verified by Equifax. And after watching it you'll understand why this this system is so controversial and why I was willing to leave $100,000 behind to preserve my secrets.

But before you see the video, let me explain how I went from being a total internet loser, working out of my friend's dusty basement to a respected marketing insider making multi-millions a year in sales...

#1 Rule of Marketing Success: Create a sure-fire system
for generating quick and easy cash flow.

Once you know the methods for creating floods of cash on demand -- you no longer stress over money. And that gives you the freedom to create endless streams of income.

It's the same reason the gurus can get away with releasing flimsy marketing systems to their lists and not care about about a hail storm of refunds... because the REAL guru money is created by systems that never lose.

And believe me when I tell you, those "never lose" systems are the ones they don't want you getting a hold of.

In fact, due to my success over the last few years, I was recently granted high level access to some exclusive guru-only events. And I can now confirm what savvy affiliates have long suspected...

The Internet marketing systems 99% of the gurus sell will NEVER lead you to real money online.

And worse, most of those systems were purposely designed to keep you lost, confused and frustrated as hell.

How do I know this for sure, and what do I gain by telling you?



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