
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Get Google Ads Free

I hope you hate spending money on all your Google™ pay-per-click advertising, because if you do you’re in luck!

Finally, after many years of getting ALL my PPCs at Google™,; Yahoo, MSN and literally 100’s of other TOP Search Engines for FREE, I’m finally ready to let YOU in on “MY” most closely-guarded secret!

The FACT is: I’ve been advertising on Google™ (the world’s TOP search engine!) as well as on Yahoo, MSN and literally 100’s of others WITHOUT spending any money!

        >>  I’ve literally enjoyed over $12 million a
                           year in Google™ advertising alone (but all
                           absolutely FREE!)

And BEST of all, I’m NOT lying (I really do get literally $millions$ in FREE advertising each & every year at ALL the TOP Search Engines!)

And *MY* secret has made me very, very, AMAZINGLY RICH!

But the ironic thing is: It wouldn’t surprise me
if you’ve never even heard of me!

… and I don’t really care either.

I’m not one of the more popular well-known Internet gurus who loves rubbing his name in your face over and over again! (I mean, who cares who they are, or who I am? -- We are all just people regardless of how well-known or rich we become, right?)

I have personally owned and operated 16 different Web-Businesses over the last 9 years (since the mid-1990’s) and have sold EVERYTHING you can imagine!

Yes, I’ve even done the whole “eBay” thing!

I’ve now built well over a dozen Internet-based firms that specialize in selling everything from women’s cosmetics, men & women’s clothing, electronic publishing (i.e., ebooks), hardcopy publishing (real “tangible” books), special industrial machinery, building supplies, pet food & pet supplies/toys, children & adult games, DVDs/CDs, Subscriptions, all the way to Memberships Sites (with recurring billing!)

Plus a lot of other things too!

And in selling all these things with all these Web-businesses I’ve owned, I’ve NEVER paid for any advertising whatsoever!

       >>  I learned an amazing secret very early on
           that allows me to advertise on TOP Search
           Engines, but WITHOUT spending any money on

You see, the BEST part of having my secret in YOUR possession is this: You NEVER have to worry how expensive all your PPC-advertising is because quite simply, IT DOESN’T MATTER!

You can set your PPC account as follows WITHOUT any worries with *MY* NEW amazing secret:

   1. You CAN now bid as high as you like on any select keyword
      (and thereby blow ALL your competition right out of the
      water! -- and NEVER have to pay for a single ‘click!’)


   2. You CAN now set your daily budget as high as you want to go
      (and thereby be assured of having ONLY the BEST *TOP PREMIUM* positions at all Search Engines -- these are the
      color ribbon areas over the “organic” results everybody sees first!) But DON’T worry as you’ll never pay for a single
      day of pay-per-click advertising regardless of how high
      you set your budget!


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