
Monday, May 23, 2011

Genius Traffic System

 Is your website productive?
Are you really making a ton of money from your site?
Do you have a product everybody would want but just can't sell it?
Have you found other people in your industry doing well but not you?

I always wondered this myself, considering why I was not making money. I couldn't figure out why my website wasn't producing sales.

Sad feeling isn't it when your website is not productive?

More importantly, why did you get your website up and running knowing your site may or may not work? Maybe it was because:
To know you have a web presence of some kind
Being able to hopefully make some kind of money like other people
Being a success online
Pride in knowing you did it – you made money online
Just to have a better way of life
To pay some of the bills
To have nice things


Maybe you spent your last dollar on something you liked but realized you had no more money and complained about it.  

Maybe you are just sick of being broke and wanted to do more for yourself?

What adds to the wound is that you have friends who are on the Internet and are making money hand over fist.

Why are they so successful with their website and you can't?

Wouldn't it be good to have a website that is not only getting a huge amount of traffic but is making a ton of money for you as well?   

I have a friend who put up his website and once day I saw his website stats. I was shocked when I saw the amount of hits he was getting per day.

The numbers were lousy. Obviously, he was doing something wrong.

Do you know what is even worse than what my friend was doing? It is that most of you people are in the same boat.

You aren't doing the right thing and that is why your hit counter is just sitting there staring at you, waiting to turn.

You may have bought books to help you learn to optimize your website for better ranking. You may even have hired someone to optimize your web pages for you.

The result is not good. You wasted your money in books that didn't teach you anything.

You wasted your money paying to have your web pages optimized, only to see your ranking has not improved. 

So you need not...

Blame Yourself For Your Misfortune!

Do you know what is even more discouraging? Those books were written by someone who didn't even know how to optimize web pages. He just did the research and wrote the book.

Most of the text is research material that is based on theory but was never tested. 


It really frustrates me when I see people spend needless money on something that is not going to help them.

I can say this because at one time I was also doing the same thing. I tried to optimize web pages to get high ranking but failed.

I tried every trick in the book to get traffic to my website but failed. Why did I keep failing?

That is when I Discovered the Secret Method That Would Literally Pump Traffic to My Website

When I applied this secret method to my own website, I could not believe my eyes.

I literally saw my hit counter go from 100 hits (I just put the site up a week before) to 1000 hits in just 15 minutes.

It was incredible.

So could you imagine that if you applied this method to your website you could also get a huge amount of traffic pumping to your website within 15 minutes?

I did it and so can you.

In fact, I know several people who did use my secret method and told me how much their traffic increased.

They were getting bombarded with not only huge amounts of traffic, but also requests for link exchanges.

In order to get to this moment, I did a lot of research, performed tests, a lot of trial and error, until I finally came up with a secret method that will help anyone who has a website get traffic pumped to their website.

Now I can make this secret method available to you. 



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