
Monday, May 23, 2011

cash-pumping AdSense

Hey let's face it. Websites are a pain to setup, and even harder to maintain and keep fresh.

But you probably also know that if you can get a website up-and-running, you can earn a comfortable, passive income online... and even more if you can multiply that success many times over.

I have to admit, I'm no hardcore "coder", and I'm certainly not one of those "guru" types. (Not by a long shot.) I'm just a regular guy with my wife and kids, a day job to worry about, bills to pay, soccer games...

But I do understand technology - and I stumbled on something amazing that I just had to share with you.


If you've got just a few short minutes, I'll let you in on something that's gonna blow your mind!

Now you can build as many unique, fresh and completely optimized sites as you like...

 ...by updating just a single file with a few details
  ...without ever writing a single line of code
   ...or having to revisit them to update or add ANY new content!

Meanwhile, your sites will be updated with new, fresh news and information around the clock - 24/7 - from some of the web's top sources of high-quality news, articles, photos, videos, and products to sell (which will earn you even more money).

You can literally launch these sites in minutes, and they will be automatically loaded with fresh, keyword-rich information and set up to make you money through:

    * Google AdSense
    * eBay's Partner Network
    * Amazon.com's Associate Program
    * Affiliate Advertising (any Affiliate Ads You Choose)
    * and Article Marketing - You Can Place Your Own Content on these Sites

Before we get into it, I have to explain why...
Websites Are A Pain To Set Up

Yeah, I know I'm repeating myself here, but let's just take a look at the "typical" process and check out how difficult it really is.

Here's the typical process:

    * Scour the web for valuable information
    * Develop a list of keywords to include in your site
    * Design & Create your website (usually doing each page by hand to optimize for your keywords)
    * Color-match all your advertising and insert gnarly Javascript for Ad blocks and Autoresponders
    * Link that whole mess together
    * Test across all the different browsers
    * Then... Once you're all done...


You wait... and wait... and wait some more - just hoping the search engines will drop by and grab some of your content!

This entire process can take days, or even weeks.

And if your site is a hit, then you have to do all that over again to continue building, updating, and maintaining that mess.

No wonder most people never get anywhere, much less make any money!
That's Not Your Only Problem...

If something goes wrong or doesn't look right, you have to diagnose all those problems yourself - searching Google or scouring forums looking for help.

On top of that, if you're anything like me, you are probably also being bombarded by all the latest "guru" systems, mastermind workshops, and super-secret traffic-generation programs - promising you wealth beyond your wildest imagination just by making 'simple changes' to what you are doing now.
(Those 'simple changes' are rarely that simple...)

Believe me, I know... I've been there. And I've been dangerously close to throwing in the towel and just giving up. But then I hit on something... and if you relate to what I've outlined above this will be like a breath of fresh air!

I decided to "scratch my own itch", and develop something for myself - and its has been working like magic ever since.
I "Cracked The Code" To Creating
Money Sites in Minutes,
When It Used to Take Hours!



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