
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Height Increase Breakthrough

Tired of your short height, I mean.

I know you're tired of seeing the taller guys getting the girls, getting the attention, and getting that job promotion you deserved...

I know you're tired of feeling inferior, being rejected by women, and getting carded every time you try to get into a club or order a drink...

The truth is, not having the right height can mean being held back in life and never realizing your full potential...

It's not fair, but there's nothing you can do about it, right?


Get Ready. Because i'm about to reveal a life-changing secret to you...

The secret to adding up to 4 inches to your height, regardless of your age.

Yep. You read that correctly...

Up to 4 inches taller. Regardless of how old you are. And in under 6 weeks.

Try to imagine yourself 4 inches taller...

If you're around 5'8" right now, try to imagine yourself 6'0" tall...

Imagine the self-confidence you'd have and how much more attractive you'd be...

It's safe to say that it would change your life.

The secret to growing taller is so easy, you almost won't believe it...

And no, this isn't some sort of trick. This is your real, permanent height i'm talking about, as real and natural as the height you have now.

But before I let you in on the secret, I want to tell you how I stumbled across it...

Get comfy...because it's quite a ride...


I'm 37 years old and i've been an orthopedic medical doctor for a little over 10 years now.

But years before that, I was just Anthony Chen the high school student...

And let me tell you, high school for me was no walk in the park...

Actually, it was total hell.

During my entire four years of high school, I never grew any taller than 5 foot 3 inches in height.

I was the shortest boy in school and the other kids made sure I never forgot it...

You see, the kids at school had a nickname for me...

They would call me...."the Chinese shrimp".

I still shudder whenever I hear those words.

Believe it or not, I got called that name so much that most of the kids in school had no idea what my real name even was.

And if high school was bad, gym class had to be the worst...

I absolutely dreaded gym class and tried to get out of it with every excuse I could find...

But unfortunately, it was a requirement and I was forced to go or else I would fail a grade and be stuck in high school even longer...

And that's definetly not what I wanted.

Whenever it came time to pick teams for baseball or flag football I was always, without exception, the very last one left to be picked...

Usually, the team who got stuck with me could be heard saying things like:

"Oh great, we got that Chinese shrimp on our team again...we're gonna lose for sure!"

Can you imagine what that did to my self-esteem?

And it didn't end there...

Even in the classroom I couldn't escape the torment...

And there's one incident in particular that i'll never forget...

One day in history class the subject of China came up...

While the teacher was lecturing on it, one of the boys in class suddenly shouted towards me from across the room...


"Hey Anthony! Is everyone in China as short as you...?"

The entire class burst out laughing.

The only thing I could do was slump down into my seat in embarassment...

I felt so humiliated that I just wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear.

"But That Wasn't Even The Worst Of It..."
In spite of what a daily nightmare high school was for me, there was one thing that brought joy to my day and made it all bearable...

Her name was Amanda.

She had long brown hair, blue eyes, and sat next to me in math class...

And I was completely in love with her.

She always gave me with a smile, would ask for my help with her math work, and never once made fun of me...

One day, I wrote my feelings in a note that I slipped into her locker...

Later that day during lunchtime, I saw her across the cafeteria sitting with a group of friends...

I couldn't believe what I was seeing as her and her friends were passing my note around, reading it and laughing...

I heard her say to them...

"Yea right...as if I would actually go out with a midget!"

...then she crumbled up my note and tossed it in the trash.

I was totally devastated.

I remember going home that day and just crying on my pillow...

It was at that time I came to the realization that it was my short height that was the source of all the pain I was experiencing.

I told myself that I was going to get taller no matter what it took...

"I Became Obsessed With
Finding Ways Of Increasing My Height..."
The first thing I did was talk to a doctor about any possible options I had to increase my height.

But what he told me wasn't encouraging...

He said that since I was done with puberty, there was nothing I could do except get leg-lengthening surgery...

When I looked into this option, I discovered that not only was it dangerous, painful, and expensive, but I would have to wear bulky metal braces on my legs for years...

...only for a height gain of around 2 inches.

There had to be another way...

I bought weights and hung them off my legs, hoping I could somehow stretch them out...

After doing this hours every day for months, I still didn't grow a single millimeter.

In desperation I even tried things like hypnosis, pills, and "reflexology" insoles that claimed to increase height...



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