
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fast phobia Cure. E-book and Audio Course

Become Ex-phobic, Like These People
My files contain hundreds of success stories – people like you who couldn’t participate in life the way they’d like to because of an overwhelming fear. Some of them tried many different treatments, without success.

Then they learned one or more of the techniques I’ve recently written up in my Phobia Release self-study course. They broke free of the prison they’d been living in because of their phobia.

Here are just a few of their stories.

Case #437. Vanished Blushing Phobia
A 20-year-old woman suffered from fear of blushing. For several years, it was steadily getting worse. Conventional therapies did nothing to free her from this fear. She was on the verge of quitting her university studies, which would have sabotaged her plan to become a lawyer.

After learning the Phobia Release techniques, her phobia vanished. She was able to continue her studies and graduated that same year.

Case #973. Eliminated Spider Phobia
A 30-year-old man had a spider phobia. Normally he was able to live with this fear by asking his wife to catch the spider in case there was one in the house. But a once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel to Africa on behalf of the company he worked for came up.

Thinking about big spiders in Africa terrified him to the point where he considering cancelling his trip and telling his boss to send someone else. Instead, just one Phobia Release technique eliminated his phobia completely.

During his trip to Africa, fellow travellers who knew about his fear caught a huge spider to frighten him. He smiled at them, picked up the spider with his bare hands and released it into nature.

Case #1229. Vanquished Commitment Phobia
A woman in her mid-30’s suffered from a fear of commitment. Every time she had a relationship lasting more than a year, she would end it because of this fear. This happened four or five times.

Then she became pregnant in a relationship that had lasted a year, and she wanted this one to hold. A therapist didn’t help her deal with her fear, but three of the Phobia Release techniques did.

Her daughter is now 1½ years old, and she is still in a relationship with her child’s father.

… And these are just few examples of people I’ve helped.

I’ve helped people overcome HUNDREDS of other phobias, both common and unusual, including:

      Arachnophobia     Emetophobia
      Acrophobia     Erythrophobia
      Aerophobia     Glossophobia
      Agoraphobia     Hydrophobia
      Brontophobia     Necrophobia
      Carcinophobia     Needle Phobia
      Cat Phobia     Nudophobia
      Caligynephobia     Olfactophobia
      Claustrophobia     Ornithophobia
      Clown Phobia     Podophobia
      Dendrophobia     Pupaphobia
      Dog Phobia     Social Phobia
      Driving Phobia     Thanatophobia
      Enochiophobia     Trichophobia
      Erythrophobia     Zoophobia

Notice that phobias affect not only the person with the fear but also in many instances, others who love them.


Understand Your Treatment Options
Before I tell you more about what my 5 Day Phobia Release Program contains, let’s recap the other ways of dealing with your severe fear.

Medication: Have you been tempted to try medication? Its disadvantages include the expense, the possibility of side effects, the necessity to keep taking medication indefinitely and most of all, the likelihood that drugs won’t solve the problem. After all, medications can only suppress the symptoms, not treat the underlying disease.

The cost of phobia medication is more than $ 1000 a year!

Cognitive Behavior Therapy: This consists of exposing you to the very thing you are afraid of and deconditioning you to the fear. For instance, if you have spider phobia, you get exposed gradually to spiders. If you have fear of heights, you go to the top of a tall building.

While this method claims success, it involves a great deal of mental pain. It also requires frequent therapy sessions over several weeks.

The cost of Cognitive Behavior Therapy is approximately $ 1225 for 15 sessions. Besides this vast amount of money other costs are necessary like hundreds of dollars for travel.

Talk Therapy: Traditional therapy, in which you sit or lie down and tell your problems to a therapist, takes months or years to bring relief, and the results are quite unpredictable.

Often you feel relief when you are talking about the phobia, but when you encounter the situation you are afraid of, it becomes clear that there is still no cure.

If you pay for this kind of treatment yourself, it can get rather expensive. The cost of Talk Therapy is $ 1500 or more for 20 sessions. Besides this vast amount of money other costs are necessary like hundreds of dollars for travel.

Doing Nothing: As you already know, long-lasting phobias don’t usually disappear on their own. This means that failing to take action condemns you to the same anxiety, worry and occasional outright panic that you experience today, along with the constricted habits you’ve created in order to avoid the situations you most fear.

It will cost you thousands of $ when you don’t stop you phobia and fear. Yes, you can survive doing nothing, but there is no need to do so.

Cure Your Phobia
According to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, the root of a phobia is an erroneous assemblage of your mental codes.

NLP is a set of methods that have been refined and tested over several decades with hundreds of thousands of patients in many countries.

NLP uses the power of the imagination to reprogram your fear reactions quickly, painlessly and long-lastingly.

My 5 Day Phobia Release Program uses well-established NLP techniques that have been proven to work fast and permanently.

You cure yourself by going into your unconscious mind and rearranging those mental codes.

In many cases, you can simply choose one of the clearly described exercises, try it out and experience a cure. In some cases, you’ll need to try a few of the techniques until you find one that works for you, or you’ll need to repeat the exercises a few times for reinforcement.

Unlike medication and talk therapy, NLP techniques attack and disable the phobia at its source, instead of just treating the symptoms.

Unlike cognitive behavior therapy, NLP techniques do not hurt, either physically or mentally. And NLP techniques have no side effects.

What you get is just the freedom to do things you have not been able to do for years.



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