
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Second Opinion Arthritis Treatment Kit

What was the difference?
Thanksgiving 1983. Our whole family was together. My sister, Esther, asked me to look at her feet. They’d been hurting her for several months to the point she had to give up tap dancing - her favorite hobby.

What’s more, she’d already seen a podiatrist and orthopedic surgeon but her feet were still hurting. She took off her shoes and I took one look. I saw the swelling. I looked at her hands and wrists. My worst fears were confirmed. My heart sank. She had rheumatoid arthritis!
…Within five years she was not only back to tap dancing, she had started a new hobby-running!

Flash back 17 years earlier… one summer during college, I went to visit a favorite aunt who lived in California.

And, I remember the moment like it was yesterday. When I walked into the living room she was sitting slumped in a wheelchair… a tiny shrunken woman. Her hands were crippled and her fingers were tied in knots… the knuckles were swollen the size of quarters… you would think she was 95 but she was only in her fifties…

She told me, “It wasn’t so bad when I was younger”… With the passing years, though, the pain got worse… the arthritis soon ravaged her body…

She said to me more than once “If only I had done something about it when I was younger… …but by then it was too late…”

I’ll never forget the look of agony on her face as she tried to lift her arms. We both broke down in tears as we hugged. She died later that year. My uncle said the pain just got to her. She couldn’t take it anymore and gave up.

My aunt literally froze in place at least 20 years earlier than if she had received proper, aggressive “knockout punch” treatments.
Two people, both family members, both with
arthritis. One died of crippling arthritis, one did great..

What made the difference?

Before I give you the answer, let me tell you the facts...
Arthritis affects almost 70 million Americans
every day. It’s part of their life. It’s also the number one
cause of crippling… by far!

These facts come from the Arthritis Foundation. These people have their fingers on the pulse of everything that happens in arthritis.

And that’s not all... A study done at Vanderbilt University showed that some forms of rheumatoid arthritis cause more deaths then either Stage Four Hodgkins disease or heart attacks!!

The fact is... arthritis can be deadly!

I hate to say this but even if it doesn’t kill you, what price do you put on your loss of independence. Even simple tasks like tying shoes, buttoning blouses, and going to the bathroom become torture– if you can even do them!!

As arthritis progresses, reflex activities like breathing,eating, and making love hurt so much it’s almost not worth the effort anymore…


Your mind stays clear even as the pain racks your body without letup. And you realize something else…
The burden on your family to help you is overwhelming as your quality of life goes downhill!
…Your life is toast!
The really sad thing is most arthritis sufferers could be living an absolutely thrilling, pain free, productive and fun life!

But... now imagine what it would mean to you if your arthritis were truly controlled and maybe even put into remission...

    * A solid grip for a beautiful cast when you go fishing...

    * The ability to sit for hours without stiffness as you play bridge with your group...

    * Going hours, even days without discomfort as you spend time outside in the yard...

    * The ability to do shop projects and home repairs without collapsing in pain and fatigue...

    * The freedom to keep up with your grand kids...

    * Taking that dream vacation at last...

    * Full range of motion to enjoy favorite activities like golf...

    * Enjoying life’s little pleasures like being able to write a letter...

Does a solution to your arthritis seem far-fetched to you? Well, it’s not.

The answer to why one person with arthritis becomes crippled and another resumes a normal life is not necessarily the doctor you see, the medicines you take, the exercises you do, the supplements you swallow, because none of that matters without this one key ingredient...
Expertise to know what your symptoms mean... expertise to know what kind of doctor to see... expertise to know what treatments are available... expertise to know whether the side effects are going to be worth the risk… expertise to know if the person who is treating you for your arthritis knows what they’re doing ... or if they’re just out to soak you for all you’re worth...

The simple fact of the matter is this: If you have expert advice, you can escape a life of misery and enjoy a more productive, pain-free life. So there you have it. I’ve just given you the secret to protect your health and now I’ll tell you how to get it, quickly and easily.

I’ll be frank.  It’s been frustrating because even though I’ve helped so many people, I’d like to help more. And that’s why I have so much information available on the Internet.  In fact, this website is on the first page of Google which means it’s been acknowledged as a site with “crackerjack” information.  The point I’m trying to make is that I have produced results!



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